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All NPP E'KRA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPP E'KRA: microprocessor-based protection devices, oscilloscopes, microprocessor-based emergency automation devices, soft-start devices
  • OMICRON Equipment NPP E'KRA
    OMICRON Equipment
    MPD 600, DIRANA, SRS 100, etc.
  • Automation and communication systems NPP E'KRA
    Automation and communication systems
    SSPI, RZA, SHE, etc.
  • Synchronization and OBR systems NPP E'KRA
    Synchronization and OBR systems
    SV-02A, FCS-02-220, TCS-02-24, etc.
  • Protection terminals NPP E'KRA
    Protection terminals
    BE2502A01XX, BE2502A03XX, etc.
  • Protection cabinets 35-110 kV NPP E'KRA
    Protection cabinets 35-110 kV
    SHE2607 041, 048, 045073, etc.
  • 110-220 kV protection cabinets NPP E'KRA
    110-220 kV protection cabinets
    SHE2607 081, 082, 083, 084, etc.
  • Converters and exciters NPP E'KRA
    Converters and exciters
    ESN, SPVD, etc.
  • Soft start systems NPP E'KRA
    Soft start systems
    SHU, SHPTU, SHPKA, ASMiU, etc.
  • Distribution systems and NCUs NPP E'KRA
    Distribution systems and NCUs
    SCHSN, NKU-BS-ST, WMD, etc.
  • Control devices NPP E'KRA
    Control devices
    SHE 24X 0100, 0200, 300, etc.
  • 330-750 kV protection cabinets NPP E'KRA
    330-750 kV protection cabinets
    SHE2710 511, 521, 538, 591, etc.
  • Control cabinets NPP E'KRA
    Control cabinets
    SHE2607 130, 091/32K, 120, 121, etc
  • Typical and atypical cabinets NPP E'KRA
    Typical and atypical cabinets
    SHE1110, SHE1113, SHE1111, etc.
  • Protection terminal 6-35 kV NPP E'KRA
    Protection terminal 6-35 kV
    EKRA 211 0101, 0202, 0203, etc.
  • Cabinets and terminals of PA NPP E'KRA
    Cabinets and terminals of PA
    SHE 22X 0101, 0102, 0104, etc.
  • Registrars and devices for SOPT NPP E'KRA
    Registrars and devices for SOPT
    BE2704v900, RCIE, RSAB, etc.


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